Welcome to Station 22

Station 22 is a platform in order for me to give my honest, unprofessional opinion on the latest hip-hop/R&B music and profile some of the prominent artists in the industry. Music is interpreted differently by everyone and everything written here is of course entirely subjective, so feel free to dispute my opinions. I review hip-hop as a fan, and a lot of what I write will not use professional music terms or be incredibly in depth.

When an album from an artist I am interested in or one from an artist I who I have heard good things about drops, I will usually take a week or so to digest it before I write a full review. I will also be mixing in reviews for older albums that I believe didn’t get enough shine or I never had a chance to properly sink my teeth into them. Hip-hop profiles of certain artists will be sporadic but aim to give you a brief background of an artists’ discography and what I think about them.

I aim to provide content every week but I cannot guarantee it and I would prefer to provide quality over quantity. What I write is for your enjoyment and all feedback is welcomed.




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